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How Yoga Saved My Ass By Jason Mraz

I received a request from my friends at Vuori To write a few words about Yoga, or a story… In this rhymed/rhetoric short/expanded explanation,I’ll...

Jason Mraz

I received a request from my friends at Vuori                        

To write a few words about Yoga, or a story…


In this rhymed/rhetoric short/expanded explanation,

I’ll share how Yoga saved my ass on one awesome occasion.


I’d been invited to Nashville to hum a few chords

On the 2013 Country Music Awards.


I was there to sing-a-long as a musical guest

But forgot my opening lyric and botched the duet.


I froze the way deer in headlights do

But in the headlights of a bus carrying 20 million views


I didn’t panic, in fact I was barely concerned

Thanks to my practice of yoga, I just did what I’d learned.


I learned how to flow and go way beyond my limits

That if I fell out of a pose, I just got back in it.


And that’s what I did. And just kept on smiling

Without the weight of embarrassment or feeling like dying


You see we don’t DO Yoga. Yoga is something that we BE.

For Yoga is a lifestyle from an ancient philosophy.


Yoga is the calming of the spinning of the mind

Through breath-work and postures we acquire this in time


Our bodies and our patience are challenged when we practice it

But we cultivate within us a knack to be compassionate


Yoga is an awareness. A present, conscious heart

It has little to do with bending like a pretzel while trying not to fart


Connecting with the moment amidst an epic fail

Is what saved my ass and kept the wind in my sails


For you to do Yoga, all you have to do is breathe.

And see how that precious life-force is all you really need


Without breath, life is over – it’s as simple as that.

Remember this and Yoga goes with you off the mat. 


-Namasté Y’all. Jason 

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